събота, 8 февруари 2014 г.

LGBT Challenge 2014: Sign Up

Hey, guys! So I decided to participate in the LGBT Challenge 2014! It's hosted by Fighting Dreamer and sign ups are open untill November!!
The challenge is to read and review three or more LGBT books from January 1, 2014  December 31, 2014.
Now you must be wondering what LGBT books means. Well, it stands for L(esbian) G(ay) B(isexual) T(ransexual) T(ransgender) Q(ueer) Q(uestioning) I(ntersex) . I decided to participate, because I haven't read that many LGBT books. I think I have read two. One this year and one in 2013.
What do you think? How many books should I read? I think 12! One for each month of the year. And since I missed January (Shame on me!) I'm going to read two books this month. But isn't 12 too much? NAH! I'll try.
I'll see ya next time!

1 коментар:

  1. Welcome to the LGBT Challenge, Gergana! I think 12 books is totally doable. And I look forward to read your opinions on the books you pick up. Good luck and happy reading! :)
