вторник, 29 април 2014 г.

Bout of books Read-a-thon 10 Sign up

Bout of Books
The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 12th and runs through Sunday, May 18th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 10 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team

Yes! Yes, it's that time of the year! Time for a Read-a-thon! Something I desperately need, becuase I'm in a bit of a reading slump right now. I have no idea how many books I'm gonna read-5 or maybe 6. Not sure yet! So I'll see you soon with my post about the books I'm gonna read and the progress!
Read-a-thon starts on 12th of May! For more info click the Bout of books button to the right!
See ya!

четвъртък, 10 април 2014 г.

Fire and Thorns Trilogy by Rae Carson

I have started reviewing series like that! So lets dive into my favourite series of the year so far. Sooooooooo goooood! I loved all three of those books and very soon you will too! Just go read them! Please! You won't regret it, believe me! This is one of the best trilogies ever! I think, I said that alread. Oh well! *shrugs*

Firstly, look at those covers! They are so pretty! So so so pretty. And they match up with the content. So let's start with the world, because that's the first thing that impressed me. It a world filled with magic and eastern-like culture. There are several big countries: Orovalle, Joya d'Arena, Invierte (and later Basajun) In Invierte live the animgi, who are powerfull, but evil people/nation, able to use the magic sourse. Orovalle and Joya d'Arena (and all the other countries) are fighting against Invierte and their chances are not good against the animagi.
Also every hundred years a Bearer is born. Those are peope chosed by God to do great things, unfortunately most of them die young and never complete their task. Oh, and they have a blue stone is their stomach. Like literary! I can't even imagine it. Having a saphire like stone on your stomach.
The main heroine Lucero-Elisa or Elisa for short is one of those bearers. That's the plot.
So, Elisa. The book starts on her wedding day si it's a bit confusing. Before i finally sat and read the book, I had been trying to start it for a year, but after reading the first page I just stopped and went to read something else. It's not that it wasn't interesting, but I was so unsure if the book's going to be good. I just didn't want to be disappointed.
So let's get back to Elisa. The first thing that amazed me about her was the fact that she was fat. Like very fat. And that made her unique, come on, you have to agree we don't see many fat heroines, princesses on top of that in YA. All of them are slim and badass and make us envy them. Then comes the Godstone in her belly. I couldn't and still can't imagine what a living Godstone looks like. Is it just this stone on top of your stomach, covering it or is it inside of you. Or maybe it's just like someone shoved a stone in your stomach and it stayed there? I don't know. I imagine it like this crystalised thing covering a part of the stomach.
Then I saw how insecure Elisa was and that bugged me a bit. She was so quite, so...good. And then there was the attack in the first book and she was so brave and selfless. I knew then that she is going to change and become strong and independent. And she did. Her development through the books is fantastic! Just brilliant and so real in the same time. In the first book when she lead the Maleficio. That's when she got really cool and in the second book she was still a bit unsure and was letting other people take disissions for her, but by the end she was a total badass. And adding bonus poins for getting slimmer and prettier and crossing the desert (twice!).
Now, Alodia and Elise's relationship. That was very interesting. It was very similar to the sister relationship in Cruel beauty by Rosamund Hodge, and yet so different. I really thought Alodia was a bit mean and didn't really trust her untill maybe the thrird book. I didn't like that she was so mean with Elisa when they were little and made Elisa blame herself for her mother's death. That's really cruel. Imagine a child living with the thought that it killed it's mother. That would depress an adult, let alone a child. But Alodia really turned out to be good. She really believed in her sister.
And then comes the other character Ximena. She is very secretive, if you ask me. I need to know more about her, for she is always keeping secrets. Rae Carson needs to write a novella about her. Or better yet a book about when Ximena was young (maybe an assasin) and having great adventures.
Alejandro! I didn't like him. From the very beginning I knew he wouldn't be a good king. He was just so weak. For God's sake, man. Get yourself together! You had your wife save your ass, twice! And when they arrived and he didn't annouce she was his wife...I was so frustrated. You take her out of Orovalle and bring her to this vast unknown country, where she has no friends and no one to rust except Ximena and you don't even announce her as your wife! That's just...just....UGH1 So there are many reasons I don't like Alejandro. But there is this one thing I like about him. He has the most wonderful, sweet son in the world. And it's mainly genes and Alejandro doesn't have time for his some, but the boy, Rosario, is so sweet. I want to hug him and then laugh and laugh and laugh untill they deside to send me to the madhouse. The moment I remember (also one of the reasons I hate Aleandro and love Rosario) is when Elisa comes back to court, slim and pretty and dressed like a savage tribe leader. She was all cool! And what does Alejandro do? He stand up and stares at her boobs. You have spent months with this woman and yet you can't recognise her because she is a bit tinner and prettier? Way to go there. And then comes Rosario, who has spent one afternoon with Elisa, just one, and yet he recognises her. How can you not love this boy?
Cosme and Humberto and Belen and Mara! Oh, and father Alentin! How can one book have so many secondary characters that I love? My favourite is Cosme. It's too bad we don't see her much in the second and the third book. She was mean and awful in a great part of the first book, but she has her reasons and she was so selfless when it came to protecting those she cares for. And she grew on me. That's all! Humberto wasn't bad. He had this crush on Elisa that I knew wouldn't live long (literary). I loved Mara and I'm not sure how I feel about Belen. He wasn't good in the first book, but then he was fine and yeah, he is not bad!
Storm! Oh, Storm! Tjis guy is so cool! I just can't! I can't even talk about him without grinning like a toatl idiot. Of course, I didn't like him at first, but the he (like Cosme and so many other characters) grew on me and I need a separate story about this guy! Or him and Alodia! They need to be together.
Hector! Hector! Hector! HECTOR! He....I....Elisa.....just Hector. I think he wasn't a big part of the first book and with Alejandro there, we can't pay much attention to him. Plus there was war. Sooo, yeah. I didn't really notice him. (Except those time when I couldn't stop thinking that he might just be a love interest) But, OMG! Wait untill the second and the thrid book. Hector and Elisa can make me laugh and cry and be happy and then depressed just by talking. Like that moment on the island in the second book...Does anybody remember that?  That is probably my favourite Hector/Elisa hot moment and coversation after that ever! Of course I can't say it's their best moment, but still it was very very good. And, yeah, the dission to marry Hector was all kind of obvious! Like really, Elisa? He is a lord and he is going to inherit money and land and you can't just think: Hey, he is rich and handsome, he is a good alliance and I love him. Why don't I marry him? But, yeah! Hector is Hector and I love him and him and Elisa are my new OTP!
And one last thing (you are probably happy that this monstrous review is coming to an end!) Did anybody notica how dependant is almost everyone in the books of magic? For example, Elise loses her Godstone and she can't heal people anymore or fight the animagi or use the heavenly fire. She can't to anything. She isn''t bad at fighting, but you have to admit she loses a lot of powers when she loses the stone. Alos her Heavenly mission was to find a oasis! What the hell? What kind of mission is that? Sh saved her own kingdom three times! She saved all the other countries, she found the mistical power source, zafira, and she managed to destroy the Invierte power source and free Hector and rule Joya d'Arena! And in the end she found a oasis and her Godstone fell out. Maybe a hundred or a thousand years later someone is going to be saved by this oasis and that's the point. Like this bearer who dug a well and it helped the village 300 years later.
I can say a lot of things about those books if I think some more, but you won't probably read it (whoever you are!). I hope you enjoyed the review and sorry it was so long!
This is one of the best book series ever and I adore it. That's it!
I'll see ya next time!

сряда, 9 април 2014 г.

Darkfever and Bloodfever (Fever #1 and #2) by Karen Marie Moning

Sorry again! I had a crazy weeked and the week is getting crazier by the second. On top of it all it all it seems I have caught the flu. I'm will tryi to write as many reviews as I can. I have already read a hundred (Literary a hundred!) books this year and I haven't reviewed even a third of them!

I don't usually read books about fae, but I decided to try something new now! I'm terribly sorry (Again!) that I'm posting this review just now! So let's begin!

Darkfever (Fever #1)

So, Mac! She isn't the type of girl I like. I mean, she was all...PINK and BLONDE! I don't have anything against blondes. Some of my favourite characters are blondes. But come on! Pink! I liked how she changed though. I know it wasn't because she wanted to change, it was because she was forced to do so, but still. Short black hair! *thumbs up*
Another thing I liked about Mac is that she doubted things. I have read a thousand books where the heroine/hero is told about the exisitence of something supernatural and he/she is like: OK! And that's not how normal people react. Normal real living people will call you crazy and shut the door in front of you if you try to convince them vampires/fae/werewolfs/demons/whatever are real.
And I liked that Mac wasn't so accepting, but then she went into the other extreme. Over reacting! I get it! You are freaked out of what you just saw, but please stop. You saw at least a thousand fae since you arrived in Dublin just believe already.
Generally Mac was not my fav character.
Moving on! I love the world. Maybe love is a too strong word, but still...I have read many good books about fae. Especialy ones where the fae are the bad guys. The Seelie and the Unseelie court and their powers and artifacts...just brilliant!
Now a bit of my oppininon of the Seelie. Ok, so V'lane. This....fae is strange. Well, he is strange for a human, but I guess he is your average (or not so average) Seelie. I laugh out loud every time I read a conversation between him and Mac, because her first instinct is to take her clothes off. That scene in the museum...Oh God! So funny!
And saving the best (and the most confusing) thing for the last.Barrons! This man/whatever he is confuses me so so soooooooo much. What is he? Obviously not human. And will he ever answer a question straight. Ok, some reviews already spoiled me that he is like a thousand years old and he had a son or something. Which is strange, but I'll just keep reading with the hope to find out soon.
I almost forgot the action parts. I loved the moment when Barrons and Mac got the spear and then killing Fae and being a bit badass. That was good. And the Shadows (I'm not sure that's what they were called.) that was good. I like this book. A lot!

Bloodfever (Fever #2)

I loved this book! It was so much better than the first one. So so much better. I think I said most of the basic things in the review on the first book, so I'm not going to be very detailed here.
Mac. Mac grew into a better character. She is not whiny anymore, she is more badass, she doesn't wear pink (very ofter)! I really liked her development as a character. And how dare that bitch try to kill her by living the window open. Really how dare she? What was her name? Fiona! I hate her. Really even a blindman can see there is nothing between Barrons and Mac (yet), but not Fiona. No! She is so jealous. Just...UGH!
Moving on. So Mac got herself into the worst deal with V'lane. That's the first thing that pops into my head now. Just the worst deal ever. You don't just agree to randevous with sme Seelie without saying when and where. And then that moment when she was absent for a month...yeah, that was a problem. In the middle of a "mision" with Barrons Mac pops out of the place and then she is back a month later with a tan and a nothing, but a pair of hot pink bikini and top. Yeah, that was interesting. And I think V'lane was a bit cruel ther. Bringing Mac's sister into the picture so she can stay in the Fae world longer. yeah that was mean. Of course she won't leave if she has the chance to play volleyball and talk with her dead sister.
A thousand things about this book are in my head now and I have a billion questions. The first one is: What the hell was this ending? Mac just...You can't end a book like this! You have to tell the reader where the Sinsar Dubh is and why is it moving and stuff like that! That's not how you end a book.
The second question is: Who killed the inspector? Was it a Shadow or Barrons or someone else? Who the hell was it? I'm so clueless!
And Barrons isn't helping much! This guy needs to answer a question straight for once. I need to get into this guy's head! I just have to. I don't understand him and his motives and his behaviour. I don't think I have ever met a more confusing character!
And then we have the appearance on the Sidhe-seers in this book. Which was a great plot twist. I never really considered Sidhe-seers. I thought they were just people and they turn out to be some kind of organisation or tribe, I guess. And I don't trust them. I just don't. I don't really trust anyone in those books. Everyone has a reason to be evil or cruel or they want something or they want something AND want to sleep with Mac.

I guess that's it! Nothing else comes to my mind about these books. I'll post a few more review today and in the reast of the week. So I'll see ya then! Bye!

неделя, 6 април 2014 г.

Just a quick note!

Sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sooooooo sorry! I never wanted this to happen! I haven't been updating and I have read so many books! Ecspect a ton of reviews soon! Sorry again!

понеделник, 17 февруари 2014 г.

LGBT Challenge 2014: Boy meets boy by David Levithan


So, hey guys! What's up? I finished my first book for the LGBT Challenge. Or should I say did not finish.  Let the SPOILERY review begin!

I decided to pick up this book mainly because it was short. It's like 185 pages. I thought I could start with something short and then get to the longer books. The other reason was because I like David Levithan. I have read three or four books by him and I enjoyed some of them greatly. This one, however I did not.
The other thing is the cover which is really cute and simple and who wouldn't want to own this book just because of the cover.

I love the world David Levithan has created in this book. A town, where gays, lesbians, bi's, drag-queen/quarterback co-exist. We all know this can't/doesn't exist in real life. In real life the ones who are different are bullied. I like how the town reformed the Boy-Scouts, because they didn't accept gay guys and turned them into Joy-Scouts.

The story is told in first person from Paul's POV. Paul is a gay high school student who's dealing with all the "fun" that high school tends to bring, seeing his ex-boyfriend on a daily basis and also falling for the new boy in town. The biggest problem was that I didn't connect with Paul. He was kind of emotionless to me. Also, sometimes Paul would think things that I don't think any other 15-year old thinks:
I find my greatest strength in wanting to be strong. I find my greatest bravery in deciding to be brave....If there's no feeling of fear, then there's no need for courage.
I like David Levithan, but I feel like in this book he was just trying to force his points too across. They just don't fit in the story.

A person who confused me is Infinite Darlene. Infinite Darlene is one of the school's apparently many transvestites who happens to be both the star quarterback and the homecoming queen. And, no one seems to think twice about it.  I didn't get how some of the boys had a crush on Infinite Darlene and yet they weren't gay.
I couldn't really sink in the story. There were those bits that always made me remember I'm reading a story.
Í guess that's it. I know the review is insanely short. I gave up the book at around 52% so I can't really write that much. I never DNF books. (well apparently almost never.) But then there are those that I just can't read.
That's all. I'll see ya next time.

събота, 8 февруари 2014 г.

Ignite me (Shatter me #3) by Tahereh Mafi

13188676OMG! Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! GUYS! This book! GUYS! That's one of the best books ever! For ever and ever and ever and ever! Stay away from this post! STAY AWAY IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE BOOKS! SPOILERS!

The heart-stopping conclusion to the New York Times bestselling Shatter Me series, which Ransom Riggs, bestselling author of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, called "a thrilling, high-stakes saga of self-discovery and forbidden love"

Juliette now knows she may be the only one who can stop the Reestablishment. But to take them down, she'll need the help of the one person she never thought she could trust: Warner. And as they work together, Juliette will discover that everything she thought she knew-about Warner, her abilities, and even Adam-was wrong.

In Shatter Me, Tahereh Mafi created a captivating and original story that combined the best of dystopian and paranormal and was praised by Publishers Weekly as "a gripping read from an author who's not afraid to take risks." The sequel, Unravel Me, blew readers away with heart-racing twists and turns, and New York Times bestselling author Kami Garcia said it was "dangerous, sexy, romantic, and intense." Now this final book brings the series to a shocking and climactic end.


From all the covers I think this one is my favourite. Just look at it. There's the eye and the bird in it. And waht do you think about the line: FEAR WILL LEARN TO FEAR ME! How cool does that sound? And have you noticed? No crossed lines! The line appeared at the end of chapter 16, I think!


This book picks up I think a day or two after the end of Unravel me. And it starts good and perfect and fantastic. I really liked Juliette in this book. She was all sorts of badass and cool. No more crossed lines. She is no longer in denial, no longer doubting herself. She is strong and confident and ready to burn down the world. (not literally, of course) I liked that. She was finally ready to fight and take down the Reestablishment, kill Anderson. And in the end! Oh, in the end! I really don't have words for it. When she was on this ship. It was...it was totally awsome. And that thing with the bullets.


I think I'll have a heart attack. Really! Every freaking time Warner was in this book or appeared in a scene or spoke or entered a room or breathed, I was grinning and had breathing problems. (Gergana let out a breath she didn't know she was holding!) And he was in this book a lot. All I wanted to do was go outside and shout: People, it's Warner! Warner's here! Come! Come and see! Warner's here!
 I love the beginnig of the book when Julietter tells him she is ready to fight. Because that's all he wanted. He wanted her to be strong and to reach her full potential. And then he tells her why he did all those awful things in book one and about the simulation. I'm so glad that turned out to be a simulation and he didn't really let this little boy in a room to die. I have to tell you, I didn't like Warner in the first book, but now that he explained all this stuff...I felt so relieved.
And then we have this moment when he visits his mom. That was so sad. I think I cried a bit. At first I thought she had ran away, but then it hit me. She is dead. Poor Warner! And he was just sitting there and crying. SADNESS OVERLOAD!
I loved how Warner decided he wanted to spend some more time with James and Adam, because they were his brothers. I like that Adam and Warner didn't want to kill each other by the end of the book. I can see them having some brother bounding. And I loved this relationship forming between James and Warner.


Damn you, Adam! I can't believe I was team Adam in Shatter me! How could I? He was the king of assholes in this book. The emperor of Doucheland. The mayor of Assville. Ok, I get it, he is upset. That show can go on for 10 chapters maximum, but not the whole freaking book. Two fights are completely enough, Adam. Ok, you go crazy and say that Warner can't return to your house. Thar's fine. You don't want that evil villian in your house. But then you go off the boat and kick Juliette out! What the hell, Kent? You say you love her and yet you treat her like that. Do you call that true love? Thank God Warner came!
Then Adam get's even more crazy. And decides he can torture Kenji using Juliette's powers. Did you even think what will happen to Kenji? He could have died! He could have FREAKING DIED. And if you couldn't think about Kenji, what about Juliette? Don't you think she will feel guilty for doing this to Kenji? Didn't you think she'll blame herself? Cause, of course she would blame herself! Thank God Juliette chose the perfect moment to start being badass.
At some point of the book I just wanted Adam to die. A very painful, long, suffering death. Or I wish he gets some kind of decease like Warner's mother so every move causes him crazy pain, but he'll have no painkillers and drugs and he will want to die, but he won't be able to. Ok, I'm sorry! It was nothing personal all you Adam fangirls! I'm sorry!

Chapter 55

Ok! I already talked about Warner, but how can I miss chapter 55. This was my favourite chapter in the whole book.  All Warner parts in this book were the best, which basically means the whole book. Tahereh Mafi doesn't write many love scenes, but when she does, she writes them hot and steamy and perfect! Look at chapter 62 from Unravel me and 55 from Ignite me. I don't count the shower scene from Shatter me, because that was Adam.


How can you not love Kenji? Kenji is the single most funny character ever. He needs his own book. Tahereh Mafi should write a spinn-off series just for him. (And the spinn-off series needs to have Juliette amd Warner in it.) He needs a girlfriend. I loved his jokes and how he became Juliette's best friend. He was the first to support or the very least understand the relationship between Warner and Juliette while Adam was too busy being a bitch. And I loved this moment when Juliette realised she could control her powers and she rant to Kenji and hugged him and said: Never let go of me! or something like that.

The ending

I want to get back to the part where Juliette was totally badass. I think one of my favourite scenes was the one where they convince the soldiers to fight for them. That was a hell of the show, but it was only the tip of the badass iceberg. Then we have the ship scene. Anderson's soldiers are shooting Juliette with loads of bullets and she is just fine and then this part where she spits out this bullet and thinks: A clever little bullet. And the scene where she shootsAndreson. I feel that Warner should have done that. Or at least he should have been there. She was all like: This is for Adam and this is for Aaron. And then we get to the real ending. That scene where she is searching for Warner and can't se him and then there he is and she trows herself in his arms. And this last conversation: You know the whole world will be coming for us now, right? -I want to see them try. That's how you write an open ending. Perfect and simple. Unlike Requiem's ending which was kind of annoying for me.

That was my gigantic, fangirly review on Ignite me, one of the best books ever! I'll see ya next time!

LGBT Challenge 2014: Sign Up

Hey, guys! So I decided to participate in the LGBT Challenge 2014! It's hosted by Fighting Dreamer and sign ups are open untill November!!
The challenge is to read and review three or more LGBT books from January 1, 2014  December 31, 2014.
Now you must be wondering what LGBT books means. Well, it stands for L(esbian) G(ay) B(isexual) T(ransexual) T(ransgender) Q(ueer) Q(uestioning) I(ntersex) . I decided to participate, because I haven't read that many LGBT books. I think I have read two. One this year and one in 2013.
What do you think? How many books should I read? I think 12! One for each month of the year. And since I missed January (Shame on me!) I'm going to read two books this month. But isn't 12 too much? NAH! I'll try.
I'll see ya next time!

Croak (Croak #1) by Gina Damico

Fed up with her wild behavior, sixteen-year-old Lex's parents ship her off to upstate New York to live with her Uncle Mort for the summer, hoping that a few months of dirty farm work will whip her back into shape.

But Uncle Mort's true occupation is much dirtier than shoveling manure. He's a Grim Reaper. And he's going to teach Lex the family business.

She quickly assimilates into the peculiar world of Croak, a town populated by reapers who deliver souls from this life to the next. But Lex can't stop her desire for justice - or is it vengeance? - whenever she encounters a murder victim, craving to stop the attackers before they can strike again.

Will she ditch Croak and go rogue with her reaper skills?

This is the first audiobook I listened to this year. It wasn't very long. 8 hours or something like that. I turned out to be part of a trilogy. But let's start with the book!
 WOW! The book was just.....WOW! I never expected it to be so good. SPOILERS! LOT'S OF THEM!
So, Lex. I want to note that I have never been a problem teen. I never stole anything or bullied anyone. And yet I can understand her. She is doing something bad and she doesn't know why. She knows she is a better person than that. And I know that feeling.
Ok, the plot and the writing style were great. The author has created this whole new world within the normal world. A town full of grim reapers. How cool is that?! I like that she mentions the aether, because I'm very interested in it. It's mentioned in many dystopian and stempunk books. The wrting style....it was good, but there is always this one sentence ''She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding." It was mentioned only once, but it was enought for me. Is it some kind of joke? This is the fifth or the sixth book time I see this sentence or some of it's veriations. Is it because today's generation has major breathing problems.
Driggs! DRIGGS! So he isn't the best male character. But I liked him. He wasn't the typical swoon-worthy guy. And his and Lex's first meeting. WOW! That was so funny. I loved his obsession with spiders. Well, not exactly an obsession, but how many guys do you know who are not afraid, but eager to enter a room full of spiders. And Titanic. He likes Titanic. I laughed so hard at that. I think Lex was going to have a heart attack when she entered that pink room with a giant Titanic poster. I would!
Zara! I never really liked her. Well, exept when I first saw her. Then she saw that Lex was freaking badass and started behaving like a bitch.  And OMG the ending. She was awful. I know she had an abusive father and all, but still....killing peole is just plain cruel and evil. I'm the daughter of a lawyer and a judge and I take murder pretty seriously. Criminals should be left to law and court to deal with. You can't just go around killing people. Well, you can, but it's wrong! Very very wrong. If everyone start murdering whoever they want and go Mara-Dyer style, what will happen? Chaos! CHAOS!
Sorry about that! I told you I take murder seriously. Moving on to Mort. He was probably my favourite character. I would die to have an uncle like him (Or, in my case, any uncle.) He has all those crazy inventions and his house.  I hope he doesn't die later on in the series.
There were other secondary characters and they were quite enjoyable, but I don't really remember their names.
I'll see ya next time with another book review!

Rebel Belle by Rache Hawkins (Realease date: April 8th 2014)

Harper Price, peerless Southern belle, was born ready for a Homecoming tiara. But after a strange run-in at the dance imbues her with incredible abilities, Harper's destiny takes a turn for the seriously weird. She becomes a Paladin, one of an ancient line of guardians with agility, super strength and lethal fighting instincts.

Just when life can't get any more disastrously crazy, Harper finds out who she's charged to protect: David Stark, school reporter, subject of a mysterious prophecy and possibly Harper's least favorite person. But things get complicated when Harper starts falling for him--and discovers that David's own fate could very well be to destroy Earth.

With snappy banter, cotillion dresses, non-stop action and a touch of magic, this new young adult series from bestseller Rachel Hawkins is going to make y'all beg for more.

Another Bout-of-books read-a-thon read which I'm reviewing just now. Let's begin!
The cover. Don't you just love this cover? It's so simple and yet so cool. I want this on my shelf and not only on my Kindle. Most of you will probably think: Gah! That's pink. But I like it.
I like how Hakins takes a stereotype and turns it into something great and funny. She makes the characters seem much more real.
I liked Harper. I can't say she is the best character, but she is quite enjoyable. Things got really cool once she got the Paladin powers.  SPOILER: She punched her boyfriend when he was about to hit David! And I laughed so hard the whole cafe heard me!! SPOILER END!
I love David. He is one of the sweetest guys in the Book universe. Of course, in the beginning he was a total asshole, but (as always) you get to like him very very much soon. SPOILER: I love this moment when they are in his room and Harper sees a map and asks: Where is that? And he blushes and is like: The Middle Earth! And also: that kiss! That was so cute. Hence the part where they were about to die! But still! And let's think about all the times they almost kissed. The one that frustrated me was in front of that restaurant. They are just about to kiss and then....A freaking car with a country song blasting from it's speakers passes by. Way to ruin the moment! SPOILER END
The ending was so great. I'm disappointed this book isn't a stand-alone though. There are those loose threads. SPOILER: Like that vision David had where he says Harper killed him. SPOILER END
Of course, in the whole book there is this fight Good VS Evil. SPOILER: So the evil guys succeed in turning David into this all mighty prophet, but I think this is going to be problem in the next books.. Something will go wrong. SPOILER END
I guess that's all I can say for this book! Sorry for all the spoiler sighns. I just wanted this review to be spoilery. I don't know why!

Just one day by Gayle Forman

17623975So to apologise for my long updateless past, I'm posting some reviews today. Maybe I'll even write reviews on Cress and Ignite me, but we'll see about that. Firstly, I want to write reviews on the books I read during the Bout of books read-a-thon, which was a month ago. I know, I know! Sorry again.

Allyson Healey's life is exactly like her suitcase—packed, planned, ordered. Then on the last day of her three-week post-graduation European tour, she meets Willem. A free-spirited, roving actor, Willem is everything she’s not, and when he invites her to abandon her plans and come to Paris with him, Allyson says yes. This uncharacteristic decision leads to a day of risk and romance, liberation and intimacy: 24 hours that will transform Allyson’s life.

A book about love, heartbreak, travel, identity, and the accidents” of fate, "Just One Day" shows us how sometimes in order to get found, you first have to get lost. . . and how often the people we are seeking are much closer than we know.

This book! OMG! One of the best books ever! Go read it and then come back. I don't advise you to read this if you haven't read the book, because it's SPOILERY!
I love the whole idea of this boook. One decision that changes your wold. One day that transforms you into a new person. For one day you can be whoever you want to be.
Allyson was a lot like me. I know I say that for a lot, but I see myself or people I know in so many characters. I like my things to be in order. I can't go to school without making a minute-by-minute plan. I almost never make impulsive decisions. (Except for books. I'm impulsively buying books all the time. It's turning into a problem already...) And then Alysson just decides to Paris with this guy she doesn't know. I so want to see Paris and London (for the second time) and New York and LA and Moscow and Athens (Bulgaria is so close to Greece and yet I have never been there.) And a thousand other places. But back to the book. So Willem shows Allyson Paris, but not the Eiffel tower or the Louvre.  No, he shows her those secret places the tourist rarely visit. And for me that's a dream come true.
Willem. Willem.Willem.Willem. Don't even make me start. I want this guy's life. He just travels and joins actor troupes. I would totally do that! If I had the guts for it. Or the acting talent.
And then there is this part of the book. The year after that day. Again I have to say I'm a lot like Allyson. I'm the only child (not that my parents ever wanted or tried to have a second one) and all my parents' hopes lay on my back. I have to be a straight "A"  student, I have to play the guitar, I have to learn German and I'll soon have to learn Russian. All kinds of "abnormal" behaviour is forbidden for me. Going to parties, staying out late, getting a dress or a T-shirt that doesn't for in my parents' style.....I can do all those things, but to them it will be strange.
I liked how Allyson had the courange to do what she wanted. She wants to study French and she does. She want to go to Paris and she does. And I loved the ending.
So you get it why I want to do crazy stuff and why I probably never will. And after this (probably very annoying) speech/rant I'm going to stop writing.
I'm sorry. That was stupid. I shouldn't have ranted about my perosnal life like that.
I guess I'll see ya next time.

The murder complex by Lindsay Cummings (release date: June 10th 2014)

Hey, guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated in ages. So I'm wrting this short review now and I hope someone reads it. I just finished reading "Struck by Lightning" by Chris Colfer and I'm not in the best of moods. Books have the power to depress me sometimes. I'll write a short review on it and some other books.
So, the Murder complex! This book is not out yet, so the review is NON-SPOILERY! That's just my oppinion on the characters and the plot and so on. Enjoy!

An action-packed, blood-soaked, futuristic debut thriller set in a world where the murder rate is higher than the birthrate. For fans of Moira Young’s Dust Lands series, La Femme Nikita, and the movie Hanna.

Meadow Woodson, a fifteen-year-old girl who has been trained by her father to fight, to kill, and to survive in any situation, lives with her family on a houseboat in Florida. The state is controlled by The Murder Complex, an organization that tracks the population with precision.

The plot starts to thicken when Meadow meets Zephyr James, who is—although he doesn’t know it—one of the MC’s programmed assassins. Is their meeting a coincidence? Destiny? Or part of a terrifying strategy? And will Zephyr keep Meadow from discovering the haunting truth about her family?

I read this book on impulse. Mainly because I dreamed about it.I know, I know. Wierd me! But I'm serious. I dreamed the cover of this book. But enough about my wierdness.
The plot is interesting. I can't categorise the book exactly. It's dystopia, but not really. It's set in the future and everything and everyone is controlled. People even have those "bar codes" on their forheads. So you can say the book is a thriller.
The main heroine, Meadows Woodson, was very brutal. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating. She was just over-protective. I would be too if I lived in a world like hers. She was ready to do everything for her family and most of all for her little sister. She wasn't bad otherwise.
Moving on to the main male character, Zephyr James. Ok, his name is kind of funny, but it sounds good, at least. I really don't have an oppininon about him. He was, as the premise says, one of the MC’s programmed assassins. He was cute and stuff, but we really don't get to know that much about him. This is more Meadows's story and I hope in the second book, there is more about him.
I'm sorry for the brief review. The book was great and action-packed and I wish I could write more.
I'll see ya next time with another book review!

петък, 24 януари 2014 г.

Into the still blue by Veronica Rossi

Hey! Sorry I haven't posted in 2 weeks. I've been crazy busy and then tired and then reading. But I have been writing reviews too. I have to post 5 reviews today or tomorrow. Let's start with this one.

Their love and their leadership have been tested. Now it's time for Perry and Aria to unite the Dwellers and the Outsiders in one last desperate attempt to bring balance to their world.

The race to the Still Blue has reached a stalemate. Aria and Perry are determined to find this last safe-haven from the Aether storms before Sable and Hess do-and they are just as determined to stay together.

Meanwhile, time is running out to rescue Cinder, who was abducted by Hess and Sable for his unique abilities. And when Roar returns to camp, he is so furious with Perry that he won't even look at him, and Perry begins to feel like they have already lost.

Out of options, Perry and Aria assemble a team to mount an impossible rescue mission-because Cinder isn't just the key to unlocking the Still Blue and their only hope for survival, he's also their friend. And in a dying world, the bonds between people are what matter most.

In this final book in her stunning Under the Never Sky trilogy, Veronica Rossi raises the stakes to their absolute limit and brings her epic love story to an unforgettable close.

This was a great end to the trilogy. That's how dystopian book series should be ended. This is just my oppininon on the characters and NO PLOT SPOILERS.
So, Aria. I like her. She isn't one of those super badass girls like Tris (Divergent) or Rose (Vampire academy). But she isn't a damsel in distress like.....well, I don't know. I don't read many books with helpless girls in them. So I guess Aria is just...normal, hence the super hearing.
Perry. I like/love Perry too.He is a good male character. Handsome in his own was, brave, the silent type of guy. He, however is not one of the guys I would like to snog senselessly.
So both main characters are enjoyable, but not to-die-for lovable. (Hey look that rymes! :D) Moving on to everyone's favourite.....Roar.
Oh, don't pretend you don't just adore him . He is hot, funny and sarcastic at times. And I love how he is always remembering some story that has absolutely nothing to do with the situation they are all in. He doesn't stop talking and joking, which is something I love too. (Maybe because I can't keep my mouth shut most of the time.) He wasn't in his best form in this book, but I still loved him. His and Soren's conversations were so funny. Veronica Rossi needs to write a spin-off preuel about Liv and Roar. (I know there is a short story already, but it's not even remotely enough!)  Come on! How cool would that be?
Oh and Brooke! I liked Brooke a lot. If there is someone capable of being the badass novel heroine-it's her!
There are other characters I would like to talk about, but that would mean spoiling you guys! That was a great book and you should read it once it comes out!
See ya later with another book review!

понеделник, 13 януари 2014 г.

Bout of books read-a-thon Wrap up

Bout of BooksCongrats people! All of you who survived The Bout of books read-a-thon! I surely did. Let's see

what I did. Wrap up time!
I had the goal to read an ARC, a historical fiction, a contemporary, a mystery, a YA, a dystopia and a series sequel.

I didn't complete all those goals, but I really don't care. I read a lot, I enjoyed myself and that's all that matters. Right? So my goal was 8 books and I ended up reading 9. YAY for me. My read pages are.....2851! Which if I might say, is amazing. I can't believe I read so much. On the first week of school after the winter holidays. I'll leave you links of the books I read and the books I intended to read.
Read books:

неделя, 12 януари 2014 г.

Bout of books read-a-thon Saturday

Bout of BooksHello! Day 6! Almost there! Well it's actually day seven today and I'm posting this just now. But hooray! I survived ther read-a-thon. So on Saturday I finished Just one day by Gayle Forman and then I read Nick and Norah's infinite playlist. I watched the movie a few days ago and loved it. It was a good movie, but if I have to compare it as a book-to-movie adaptation, I wouldn't say it was that good. But again I'll talk about that on Monday!
See ya tomorrow!

събота, 11 януари 2014 г.

BOut of books read-a-thon Friday

Bout of BooksOk! Friday. I was lazy! Very very lazy. As I wrote yeasterday I went to see Catching fire and it was freaking amazing!! But it lasted 2 and a half hours and I came home around eleven PM. I stayed up until one AM blogging and surfing the net. Watching andreading people's daily updates. So basicly I read 20 pages from Just one day by Gayle Forman and another 20 pages from Rebel by Amy Tintera. That means I have to read 3 more books to complete my goal. 3 books for two days.
Good luck to me! And good luck to you all! I'll see ya tomorrow!

петък, 10 януари 2014 г.

Bout of books reead-a-thon Thrursday

Bout of BooksHello! Sorry for the late update. I just went to see Catching fire and OMG what a great movie!

But I'll talk about that tomorrow.
Thursday was a great day for me. Firstly I finished Rebelle Belle by Rachel Hawkins. Then I started and finished The Beginning of everything by Robin Schneider.  That was a great book and it made me realise how much I have changed for just three years. I mean, if I had read this book back in 2011, I would have rated it no more than 3 stars. And now I just loved it.
So that's my progress and I'll see ya again tomorrow.

четвъртък, 9 януари 2014 г.

Bout of books read-a-thon Wednestday

Bout of BooksHey! Happy day 3/4 of the read-a-thon. Sorry it took so long to post this update. My computer won't work. I watched a whole movie while waiting for it. So Wednesday!
I read my ARC The Taking by Kimberly Derting! It was a goody good book. I'm not a big fan of Kimberly Derting. I read her book the Body finder and it was enjoyable, but not a WOW read. This one I liked better.
I also read the first half of Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins. This was a great book. Again an ARC. It wasn't on my list and I'm not sure if I want to read the rest of the books on it now. I have so many great books. Most of them ARCs. So that's it for my Wednesday review. I'll post my next one in less than 24 hours so....See ya then!

сряда, 8 януари 2014 г.

Bout of books read-a-thon Tuesday

Bout of BooksDay two! Congratulations to all of you who survived day one and two. I did well.

I finished my second book, Gameboard of Gods (Age of X #1) by Richelle Mead!
I'm a big fan of Richelle and I have read almost all her books, but this one....you could have written it so so so much better. It was an enjoyable read, but not as good as I wanted it to be. I'll write a full review soon, promise.
 Good luck to everyone! I'll post day three progress soon!

понеделник, 6 януари 2014 г.

Bout of books read-a-thon Monday progress

Bout of BooksHello, read-a-thonners! How's your first day? Mine? Oh, I'm fine. I'm even good! Let's revise.
 So today I read only one book, but that's not bad! Right? Well, don't look at me like that, people who read 2 books!
I finished The light between oceans by M.L. Stedman
That was a magical book. Very good. Go read it. It was sort of my bonus random book, but it looked so appealing, just standing there with it's beautiful cover. I just couldn't resist.

 So that makes my read pages for Monday.....*drum roll* 343 pages!!! YAY! I mean, it's nothing really, but I'm going to read a bit of the next book and that will make it at least 400.
YAY for me! YAY for you! What was uor goal for toda? Did you accomplish it? Tell me in the comments please!

събота, 4 януари 2014 г.

Kate Daniels series boks 2-5 by Ilona Andrews

So recently I reads the Kate Daniels series, but I didn't have time to review all of the books. I made a review on the first one here. Today I finished the fifth book and I bought the sixth one. So here we go books 2-5.

Magic Burns-Book 2

1811543Down in Atlanta, tempers – and temperatures – are about to flare…

As a mercenary who cleans up after magic gone wrong, Kate Daniels has seen her share of occupational hazards. Normally, waves of paranormal energy ebb and flow across Atlanta like a tide. But once every seven years, a flare comes, a time when magic runs rampant. Now Kate’s going to have to deal with problems on a much bigger scale: a divine one.

When Kate sets out to retrieve a set of stolen maps for the Pack, Atlanta’s paramilitary clan of shapeshifters, she quickly realizes much more at stake. During a flare, gods and goddesses can manifest – and battle for power. The stolen maps are only the opening gambit in an epic tug-of-war between two gods hoping for rebirth. And if Kate can’t stop the cataclysmic showdown, the city may not survive...

So I liked book one very much. It's slow in the beginning, but otherwise a very good book. This one? Oh, this one I loved. It was so funny. I can open to a random page and it will make me laugh. However, there was a lot of blood. That doesn't gross me out, but it's not very pleasant to read. Now in this book we get introduced to one of my favourite characters, Julie. Kate has to find her mother, who is a mark of a witch coven. Julie was a bit annoying at first. She was all about her "boyfriend" Red. Red was OK in the first book, but in the second. I can't even remember if he died, but if he did-good. He just wanted to use Julie and that's not cool, man. Not. Cool.
Saiman. Ok. Never liked this guy. Like ever. But he was....yeah, he was....he was in this book. I don't know how you discribe that one guy who dances around naked in the snow during a magic flare. You just can. Right? (I know you laughed. Just admit it. You laughed at this one!)
So Curran. Let's hear a roar for Curran. He wasn't my favourite character in the first book, but I started to like him...a lot. You can see the tension between him and Kate. I should have figured out he is the love interest. He is on the covers so DUH! Stupid me.
And the epilogue of this book. Oh, loved it. Loved it way too much.
Ok, enough on the second book. Moving on to the third one.

Magic Strikes-Book 3

 When magic strikes and Atlanta goes to pieces, it’s a job for Kate Daniels… Drafted into working for the Order of Merciful Aid, mercenary Kate Daniels has more paranormal problems than she knows what to do with these days. And in Atlanta, where magic comes and goes like the tide, that’s saying a lot.

But when Kate's werewolf friend Derek is discovered nearly dead, she must confront her greatest challenge yet. As her investigation leads her to the Midnight Games—an invitation only, no holds barred, ultimate preternatural fighting tournament—she and Curran, the Lord of the Beasts, uncover a dark plot that may forever alter the face of Atlanta's shapeshifting community…

If people have told you that this seies starts at book three. Yeah, they told you the truth. The first book is OK. The secong is lovely. (Not the word I would normally use, but let's roll with it.) The third one is kick-ass great.
So things were not great for Derek in this book. So much bone breaking for him. And that's how the pretty teenage boy wonder turned into a hard-core shape-shifter. So it all starts with the Midnight games. Ok, I can't explain to you what the Midnight games are. Go figure it out yourselfs. Ok, I'll try. They are like a tournament where supernatural creatures compete for a prize.
And again I blame Saiman. He took Kate to the Games. Kate is a magnet for troubles. You should have known. And again Saiman being all about sleeping with Kate. I still can't get that image of him from book two out of my head. *shudders*
Julie appered again. Oh, she is just so great. Why wasn't Kate here when I had troubles in school? I needed a crazy aunt to show off with back then. To think of it, I still need one.
Kate and Curran. Spread the word. Tell the world. Why isn't this in the newspapers? So, everyone knows of the bath tub scene. Things get hot-tastic. And then...Derek desides to knock on the door. Well, go to hell man! You did enough damage for one book. Go away. Leave them be. Oh, and I loved how Kate sort of locked Curran in a loup cage so he can't come and fight with her in the Games. And he came anyway. Because Julie let him out. Bravo, Julie! Bravo! And they fought together, which was epic! And bad-ass. Why hasn't anybody written a ballad or a poem about Kate yet. She is a bad-ass sword-wielding kick-ass magic-using fighter.
Ok, I'm missing something. Something big, somthing important. Oh yes! The naked dinner! Oh,come on! That was a big deal in the book. I love the epilogues of those books. All of them. But this one. Yeah! WOW! Did he just left her instructions for what to cook him and what to wear? He didn't? Did he? Oh, yes he did.
So enough of this books bad-ass-ness. Moving on.

Magic bleeds-Book 4

Atlanta would be a nice place to live, if it weren't for the magic. When the magic is up, rogue mages cast their spells and monsters appear, while guns refuse to fire and cars fail to start. But then technology returns, and the magic recedes as unpredictably as it arose.

Kate Daniels works for the Order of Knights of Merciful Aid, officially as a liaison with the mercenary guild. Unofficially, she cleans up the paranormal problems no one else wants to handle - especially if they involve Atlanta's shapeshifting community. When she's called in to investigate a fight at the Steel Horse, a bar on the border between the territories of the shapeshifters and the necromancers, Kate quickly discovers that there's a new player in town. One who's been around for thousands of years - and who rode to war at the side of Kate's father. This foe may be too much even for Kate and Curran, the Beast Lord, to handle. Because this time Kate will be taking on family.

Book four is surely my favourite. We start with Kate making the Named dinner, waiting for Curran. He is late. I was like: What? Curran can't just miss the Naked Dinner! No. He can't. He just can't. Well, guess what? He did. I was shocked and Kate was pissed.  Really majorly pissed! This book made me laugh so hard, my head hurt. That's Kate after all. There was this moment when she was with Curran and Jim and she was still pissed. The conversation was something like that:
Kate to Jim: Please relay my greetings to the Beast Lord. I'm happy that he can take time from his busy schedule to come.
Jim to Curran: Kate says hi.
 Curran: *snarl*
Ok, I'm pretty sure I laughed diabolicly at that one. But come on! That was just so...WOW! And speaking of Curran and Kate.....Let the Mating games begin! As I said, a lot of funny moments in this book. She put catnip in his bed and did something to his weight bench and he glued her to her chair. Fun all around!
UGH! SAIMAN! Again! How many times have I told you to stay away from Kate? And how many times has she told you to stay away from her? You did it again. Well, you did well this time. You got drunk and was chased by the Beast lord. And what if Kate hadn't drove him to his apartment? I have a very clear image of Saiman being chased by a lion. Now imagine the same scene in cartoon. I don't know why I imagine it like that, but it makes it a hell lot of funnier.
Kate and Curran had sex. Then the had a fight, because Kate didn't want to live in the Keep. Which ruined the romantic moment! Thank you very much, Kate!
Kate's poodle, Grendel! That dog! Ok, I want that dog. Mom would have a heart attack when she sees it. She is not a big fan of cats or dogs or any kind of pets. Especialy not the kind that pees everywhere. But that dog was one hell of a badass. Like Kate.
Now, saving the best for the last. Kate's enemy in this book was totally epic. Erra! Ok, that doesn't mean anything to you, but that's practically Kate's aunt. Maybe my favourite of Kate's oponents. Ok, not maybe! She was the most dangerous, I think. And there were those moments when Kate and her will talk and then fight or fight and then talk. Which was ridicilous!
The ending I really though Curran might die. No, I never thought that! But I was scared. What if he never wakes up? And the Pack! Hpw could they be so mean to Kate after she saved their asses several times? And to challenge her 22 times in one week? She is human! (Well, half human!) Not a shape-shifter, not a vampite. She can't heal. Are you trying to test her or kill her? I guess both. Good thing Curran woke up and put them into their place!
So that sonofabitch Ted made Kate choose between the Pact and the Order. Of course, she is going to choose the Pact, you idiot. You just ost one of your best people. Go to hell!
Again the epilogue was great. And I loved it. This is my favourite book in the series so far.

Magic slays-book 5

Plagued by a war between magic and technology, Atlanta has never been so deadly. Good thing Kate Daniels is on the job.

Kate Daniels may have quit the Order of Merciful Aid, but she’s still knee-deep in paranormal problems. Or she would be if she could get someone to hire her. Starting her own business has been more challenging than she thought it would be—now that the Order is disparaging her good name, and many potential clients are afraid of getting on the bad side of the Beast Lord, who just happens to be Kate’s mate.

So when Atlanta’s premier Master of the Dead calls to ask for help with a vampire on the loose, Kate leaps at the chance of some paying work. Turns out this is not an isolated incident, and Kate needs to get to the bottom of it—fast, or the city and everyone dear to her might pay the ultimate price ...

I finished this one today. Again a great book. So much kick-assery and bad-assness and action and bits of romance.
So now Kate has her own business. And that's cool. I kind of expected her to have many clients, but things never go easy for Kate Daniels. So she finally gets a client and it turns into another hell of a mess. A conspiration that want to kill everyone and everything with a drop of magic in it. So here it comes. This book was such a fast read. One big thing happens, a second big thing happens and then "BAM!" the book's over. Andrea comes back. Oh, yay! She is a ery enjoyable character and I haven't mentioned her in any of my previous reviews. But she is a good character and sort of Kate's best friend. I wish she and Rafael would go back together. Go back together! NOW!
Kate and Curran are together and they have a few fights and that's it. Nothing that important to talk about them.
Julie! Julie! Julie! Julie! Oh, dear Julie! I though she was going to die or become a shape-shifter. And Kate "saved her". I think it wasn't the best she could do. It practicaly turned Julie in a slave. But at least she lived and now she has some of Kate's powers. Or at least she will soon.
We get a new character introduced. Ascanio from Clan Bouda! Ok, that was one horny 15 year old shape-shifter. He was ready to get it on with anything that walks and smiles at him. Now don't give me that look! You know it's true! He tried to make out with Julie. Good thing she put him in his place. And some people ask me why I like her so much? Derek mopped the floor with Ascanio. I wanted to be there. I would have brought popcorn and some of those big megaphones to cheer on Derek. Ok, so Ascanio wasn't so bad after he go mopped with and got a hell of a lecture from Kate. He was eve half decent.

I can't think of anything else to say about any of those book except that tey were all awsome and you should go read them. I'll see ya next time.

ARC reviews

This is just a post with a few ARC reviews. I don't want to spoil anyone, but I don't think I'll be able to write long non-spoilery review so I decided to make one big.

Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge (coming out 28th of January 2014)

This beautiful retelling is coming out in 24 days, but I don't want to spoil you anyway.
This was a beautiful retelling of the Beauty and the beast fairy tale. You can't really guess that it is a retelling. The original story is twisted and turned until you get a new original story. This is Rosamund Hodge's debut novel, I think. Her writing style was good. Now the main heroine, Nyx. She wasn't bad. I liked her. She was brave and that's a thing I admire. She was smart. A little tiny thing that annoyed me was the grudge she held for her sister, Astria. I totally understand it, though. I would have felt the same way if I was the one who had to mary a demon and my sister (if I had one) could live and be happy and marry a mortal. But she went a bit too far. Ok, Astria was super annoying at times. That I can admit.
Now here is a little spoiler for ya. There was a love triangle in this book. In didn't hold a long time, but there it was. I shipped my couple, I switched teams, but in the end it turned out I didn't have to switch teams at all, because [insert major plot spoiler]. I can say this is one well written love triangle.
Ignifex! Oh, let's talk about Ignifex! *insert evil laughter here* He was a hell of a character. I loved him. Hope you love him too. There isn't much said about him in the synopsis of the book, so let's get one thing clear. His job in the world of Arcadia is to make bargains with humans. He doesn't kill anybody. (Ok, that's a tiny lie! He does kill a guy or two.) (Ok, big lie. He does kill lots of people!)
The ending was good. At some point everything went Doctor Who style. Arcadia went spacey-wesey, wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey! But still that was a good book. Can't wait for you to read it.

Perfect Lies by Kiersten White (comes ou February the 18th 2014)

The second book in the Mind games duology. Mind games was probably my favourite Kiersten White book. Why didn't anybody tell me this wasn't a trilogy, but a duology? Why the hell? What the hell? I expected another book. It can't end. It just can't. I want more Fia and Annie and other characters. So, after this rant let's begin with the real review.
I think everyone went WOW at the end of Mind games. At least I did. WOW. Annie isn't really dead. YAY.  Now in this book we get dual POVs, Annie and Fia. But the timelines are different. There is this sort of countdown. Like 23 hours before; 4 days before. And Annie and Fias timelines are very different at times. While Fia is "7 days before" ,Annie is "3 and a half months before". And that is completely confusing. I will try to re-read this book someday, but in the right order. I'll orded the chapters chronologically and read them. Nah! That'll probably make me evn more confused.
A spoiler for ya! (Again! Just a tiny little thing.) Annie has a love interest. I just went yay. Why should Fia get all the guys? Give some to Annie. Now, I know you might think you know who he is, but you might be wrong. Or maybe you are right. Or are you wrong again? Mwahahahaha Yes, I am torturing you.
That ending. Oh. My. God! That ending. I loved it and I hated it. Don't worry no one important dies. But still it was WOW. That's all about this book. It's more of a rant then a review. Oh, and here is a little quote for ya:
“I have a date with the endless empty ocean. I am ready to leave. I am choosing nothing, and, for once, nothing is exactly right.”  

Fan Art by Sarah Tregay (comes out June the 17th 2014)

Sorry about the small image. I couldn't find a bigger one. The other were too big. So you'll have to deal with this one. My review will be short anyway. So for those of you who don't know, this is a gay book. It's a book about gay boys and there are some gay girls too. It's a lot of fun and 2014 is officially the year I fell in love with gay fiction. This book was cute and sweet, but not too cute or too sweet. It's about this boy, Jamie, who has a crush on his best friend Mason, but is scared to come out to him and tell him that he is gay and that he loves him. Ignoring the fact that Mason is a boy, this is a normal friends-fall-in-love contemporary book. The whole book was great and the ending. Oh, that ending. Loved it. It was sweet and great and fantastic. Both Jamie and Mason were interesting characters. Their lifes weren't perfect. They had some problems. A character I very much liked was Eden. She is the lesbian character in this book and she had a hard time coming out, because her parents just won't admit to themselfes that she is infact a lesbian. Challis, the other lesbia girl, was great great great great great. I liked her more than Eden.
That's all you get for this book.

Death sworn by Leah Cypess (comes out May the 4th 2014)

This is the first book in a new series by Leah Cypess. This is also the first book by this author I read. I enjoyed it, but truth to be told, I would have preffered it to be a stand alone. The author could have changed the ending or made the book 200 pages longer. It wouldn't have killed you. But no! You had to end it this way. Break my heart, then step on it. Ok, maybe I'm over reacting. It wasn't as bad as I make it sound, but I just...UGH. I shipped that couple. There wasn't an awful lot of romance in the book. What do you expect? All the male characters are assasins. And Ileni doesn't have much time for boys. She is sent there to investigate the murder of other Renegai/magicians. That's what I liked about her. She wasn't some love sick girl that needed saving every five minutes. She was losing her magic, but she still tried to use it as good as she could. There is no love triangle. Let's sing Hallelujah! There probably is going to be one in the next book, but I don't care. Long live the love tiangle-less book! This book was also good and great and go read it once it comes out.

(Don't you) forget about me by Kate Karyus Quinn (comes out June 10th 2014)

Also a great book. Just look at the title. Song reference. I listened to this song at the beginning of the book. And then every second chapter has a song name instead of a number. Sort of like flashbacks. So here you go, this book's soundtrack. No, I won't give it to you. I just meant that it's fun to listen to the songs. This is a book about a town where nobody dies and gets sick, but there is a price. Every fourth year something bad happens. Something supernatural or someone dies. Usually this someone is a teen. So on a fourth year Skylar loses her sister, Piper. And she (I mean Skylar) starts to take drugs to forget about her sister's loss. To stop the pain and that sort odf stuff. All the people responcible for fourth year accidents are sent to this Reformatory outsed town. So Skylar thinks that Piper might be still alive. Secrets are revealed and things like that. I see it as a book about letting go. Letting the once we love go and remembering them for who they are, the good things and the bad things. The plot got a bit blurry at some point so I couldn't understand what happend with Foote, who is my favourite character.
I'm repeating this once again, go read this awsome book once it comes out, because it's just so so good!!   

Sorry for the gigantic images and the very small ones. I couldn't find smaller/bigger.       

Unearthly (Unearthly #1) by Cynthia Hand

So, this is the first book about angels that I loved and I'm happy to review. Thatnks to my Goodreads friend Oksana I finally read it. Thank you for the recomendation.

In the beginning, there's a boy standing in the trees . . . .
Clara Gardner has recently learned that she's part angel. Having angel blood run through her veins not only makes her smarter, stronger, and faster than humans (a word, she realizes, that no longer applies to her), but it means she has a purpose, something she was put on this earth to do. Figuring out what that is, though, isn't easy.

Her visions of a raging forest fire and an alluring stranger lead her to a new school in a new town. When she meets Christian, who turns out to be the boy of her dreams (literally), everything seems to fall into place and out of place at the same time. Because there's another guy, Tucker, who appeals to Clara's less angelic side.

As Clara tries to find her way in a world she no longer understands, she encounters unseen dangers and choices she never thought she'd have to make between honesty and deceit, love and duty, good and evil. When the fire from her vision finally ignites, will Clara be ready to face her destiny?

Unearthly is a moving tale of love and fate, and the struggle between following the rules and following your heart.

Firstly, I want to talk about angels in this book. They are different from normal angels. So Calra is not a full angel, she is just a quarter. A Quartarius. I think that's how you write it. However, she is an angel-blood. All angel-bloods have a purpose. That's why they are on Earth, they have to fulfill this heavenly task. I haven't read that many angel books, but [from what I have read] there has never been such thing as a purpose. Which made me very intrigued. The glory thing! That was totally amazing. I can't quite imagine it, but the way Cynthia Hand described it...WOW! I want to take a moment to tell you what a great wrting style Cynthia Hand has. The bood is set in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and she had described it so well. I really started to love this place and I have never been anywhere near the USA.
Clara! She was a quite enjoyable character. I just can't imagine her with orange hair. I had to look at some of the other covers and I still can't. The thing I liked about her the most was that she wasn't all about her purpose. She thought about everything in her life. Her friends, her family etc.
There was just this little thing that bugged me about her. She was kind of obsessed with Christian, the boy she sees in her visions. I know I just said she wasn't all about her purpose, but she just can't stop thinking abou him. And this annoyed me. And here we come to my next point. The love triangle. I was Team Tucker all the time. Don't get me wrong! Christian seems like a good guy, but he is just too...I don't know. I have read reviews on this book saying that Christian is the better guy for Clara and that he is her destiny, but I just don't agree.  Tucker! Oh, Tucker! He is so on my Favourite biyfriends list. I knew! I just knew he will be a love interest the moment he first appeared. Well, what can I say about him? Tucker is...Tucker. Go read the book and find out what I mean.
And talking about Tucker...Wendy. She was such a sweet little thing. She is kind of the typical "sweet best friend". And I liked that about her. Angela, on the other hand! Ok, I'm suspicious about her. Her fater was a Black Wing (aka. a dark angel)  and her wings are a bit gray. And she is so persistent to know all about angels. I guess it's just curiosity, but still...
THE ENDING! Oh. My. God. I was really going to rate this book 4 stars, but after reading the last few chapters....5 stars, baby! First we have this Black wing that "attacks" Clara and her mom. Which was such an intense scene. I was all: He mother will die! Right? Oh, please don't die!
She didn't die, but I was afraid. Then we have the two fires. It's about saving Tucker or Christian. She chooses Tucker and I think I did a happy dance. Not that I want Christian to die (Ok, only a little bit.) But I surely wanted Tucker to live untill the third book. In the end she saved them both.
And that brings me to my last poin. Christian is an angel-blood. I so didn't expect that. I hope she tells Tucker or he finds out somehow. I don't like them keeping secrets from each other.

That is all I have for you on this book. I'll see ya next time with another book review.

сряда, 1 януари 2014 г.

Bouth of books read-a-thon Goals

Bout of Books
It's time for *drumroll, please* BOUTH OF BOOKS READ-A-THON GOALS!! I'm planning to be reading all week as much as I can. Most of you don't know thay, but at the last read-a-thon I read 13 books. But I'll hardly get this many on this one, because it's the fist week of school and things like that.


Now my main goal is to read one or more books from the genres:
-Historical fiction
-Young adult

My other goal is to read one of the ARCs I recently showed you.

And my last goal is to read a series sequel.


Now the books I'm going to read. I'm not going to give you a detailed review on those books. You just click on the picture and it will send you to Goodreads.


Historica fiction:


Young Adult:


Series sequel:

Random bonus book:

I guess those are the books I'm going to read for this read-a-thon. I can change the books, but the goals stay the same. Also I'm proud of myself for figuring out how to post buttons on my blog. I mean, I'm cool like that! Oh and sorry the images are different sizes. I'm new to this button thing after all.
See ya next time!