неделя, 22 декември 2013 г.

Every day by David Levithan

My first book by David Levithan. I read it a month ago, but I didn't have time to review it. So now when I have time I give you my again very short review.

Every day a different body. Every day a different life. Every day in love with the same girl.

There’s never any warning about where it will be or who it will be. A has made peace with that, even established guidelines by which to live: Never get too attached. Avoid being noticed. Do not interfere.

It’s all fine until the morning that A wakes up in the body of Justin and meets Justin’s girlfriend, Rhiannon. From that moment, the rules by which A has been living no longer apply. Because finally A has found someone he wants to be with—day in, day out, day after day.


Romance aside, this story is about people .. All kinds of people in all kinds of scenarios, with different lives and in different environments. It's the most wonderful book about what it means to be human. It takes you on a journey around the world not physically but emotionally, it travels through space and bodies and it talks about so many taboo subjects that you can't even imagine.. This, my dears, it's a real piece of art!
“I wake up thinking of yesterday.
The joy is in remembering; the pain is in knowing it was yesterday.”

You can learn a lesson from almost every chapter, you can be in the body of all kinds of people, struggling with their problems, creating others, trying to fix the unfixable or to keep untouched the precious moments in their lives.

You learn that actions have always consequences, that when you change things you have to assume the responsibility for doing so; you get glimpses into the head of so many types of people and at the end of the day not only you can learn a thing or two from it, but you can really become a better person.

It's not that the concept is entirely original (I remember seeing when I was young a movie series quite similar to this) but the amount of research needed for this story and the perfection with which it has been implemented turns this book into a real gem. It's fresh, it's well written, it is addictive and so full of precious content.

There are few books that have left an imprint on my life; this is definitely one of those.

A and Rhiannon

So as the book  descripton says, A doesn't have a body. He has moved from body to body since he was born. A is a name, by the way. We think of him as a boy but in fact he has no gender, and each day he can be a boy or a girl, having no control over where his soul might wake up in the next morning. He doesn't know why it happens, so don't try to find out because this is not what this story is about. Every day he wakes up and tries to find out as much about the person's life, so he doesn't mess things up for him/her.
Now his and Rhiannon's love was kind of love at first sight in my oppinion. I mean, A loved her instatly and she just thought that was her boyfriend Justin. But still... I guess I can understand why A loved her so fast. To him she is the symbol of the life he will never have. And so he gains more information about her every day and tries to meet her. And then he tells her the truth.

People A impersonated:

There are so many people we learn about when A takes their bodies for a day. Drug addict, fat person, geek, gay, transgender, homeschooled, mean girl, rock boy, suicidal girl and so many others.there was a selected group of people that can/will leave an impact on you. You might not relate to any of them, but you can understand them all. They all speak through A.'s voice and you might ask yourself if this is the author telling you life-changing stories, or the characters are really alive talking to you - they are so realistically portrayed. On each day, either the body was weighting on A, or the feelings were be pressing on him. He could feel the sorrow, the despair, the addiction but also the happiness, the calm, the hope and the love... It was such a beautiful orchestra of emotions playing in front of you - one that you can focus on each individual instrument and their beautiful, heartwarming music.

The ending:

So I must say I loved the ending. I have heard so many people saying they hated it and thay A shouldn't have left Rhiannon, but I think it was the right thing to do. They couldn't just go on like that. A different body every day. Not being able to live together and Rhiannon not being able to see how A really looks like. So he left her and I like to think that maybe she had a happy life with this boy that A impersonated in the last chapter. Cause that's what A wants. Right? He want sher to be happy.

This book was beautiful and all should read it. Comment and tell me what you think. I'll see ya next time with another book review in an hour.

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